Wednesday 14th January, 7.30 pm St. Anne’s Church Hall.
We are looking forward to seeing you all again and to welcoming Eleanor Garland as the speaker at our January meeting, this coming Wednesday, tomorrow evening. Eleanor, a broadcast journalist and executive producer will be giving us an insight into the ever popular Radio Four programme “Woman’s Hour” and the world of broadcast journalism. Refreshments will be available as usual and our Raffle in aid of The Women’s Safe Houses, Chiswick will be back. There will be plenty of time to socialise and to catch up with old friends but we look forward to welcoming and making new friends too as we kick off our KeWI 2015 programme. STOP PRESS***The WI Resolutions***STOP PRESS It’s the time of year again when each WI across the country is asked to consider supporting one of seven resolutions passed down to us by the National Federation. Please click here for a list of this year’s resolutions. At our January meeting tomorrow evening we need to take a vote on which of the seven resolutions each of our members support. If you are present you will be able to vote at the meeting. If you are unable to come to the meeting, please consider the options in the attachment and let us know your voting preference by return of email. We will record your vote only once. Our votes will be sent off and consequently in due course the list of resolutions will be reduced. In May we will ask how you would like our delegate to vote at the WI AGM, be it either for or against the adoption of the resolution(s). KeWI Subscriptions Thank you so much to those who have already paid your subs! We really do appreciate your promptness as it helps us and our admin enormously. Remember you can pay by cheque on Wednesday. Simply make it payable to KeWI for the sum of £36 and pop your name on the back. Alternatively electronic transfer is simple and the details are set out below. Please give your name as a reference if you pay electronically into the KeWI account; Groups We are readying a list of KeWI Groups and their Leader’s contact details for members which will be attached to our next email. If you have any ideas for a Group and would be interested in leading one, please do get in touch. In the meantime, a list of our current groups is available on the website, With Kind Regards, The KeWI Committee Comments are closed.